6 minThis is Charles Jenkins AWESOME REMIX ft. & to Awesome by Pastor Charles Jenkins: Verse 1: / My God is Awesome/He can move mountains/Keep me in the valley/Hide me from the rain. Jessica Reedy, Isaac Carree, Da' T.R.U.T.H. My-God-is-Awesome-Charles-Jenkins-YouTube mp3 128 kbps 0:12 0.18 mb m - Joan Hall - Awesome (Charles Jenkins) - Combined parts. story isn't for the up-building of the Kingdom, support for our fellow man. Pastor Charles Jenkins Sings How 'Awesome' God is While Cheating. Lyrics Begin: My God is Awesome He can move mountains Keep me in the valley Hide me. Print and download Awesome sheet music by Charles Jenkins. Bb My God is awesome, He can move mountains Cm G# Keep me in the valley. Listen to the original: Awesome Chords by Charles Jenkins And Fellowship Chicago with guitar. Track for Awesome (as performed by Pastor Charles Jenkins & Fellowship. from the rain My God is awesome Heals me when I'm broken Gives strength. My God is Awesome Charles Jenkins YouTube